Watch: Who Is FATUMA GEDI Video Leaked Went Viral On Twitter

Everyone is eager to learn the details of Fatuma Gedi’s ongoing intriguing case. Some viral videos are available on the Internet, and she is a woman advocate who has never been disappointed by the lead s*** that has appeared in 2019. She recently claimed that she was the brainchild of many ministers, and that her repetition was occasionally harmed as a result of the steps she was taking. She also mentioned that some people were attempting to make me feel bad by making this video with their power and money.

Fatuma Gedi: Who Is She?

The speaker was a well-known woman, and we hope she receives justice soon. We’ve seen cases like this in many countries, where women are abused, violated, and treated as second-class citizens in comparison to men. But this isn’t humanity’s sense of humour, and everyone is on an equal footing in terms of everything. We’ll be back with more information about this incident soon, so stay tuned to our website in the meantime.

The Fatuma Gedi video has been viral.

But God has always turned down their prayers, and now he has given me a chance to complete my mission, and justice will be served. This case is still being heard, and there has been some good news. A sensitive and emotional individual. This case also involves some very powerful members of parliament. This controversy has taken a new turn, with her claiming that the vice president is also involved in the controversy, and that everyone involved should be punished.

Video of Wajir Woman Rep Goes Viral

The house of representatives has been seen making public comments about this incident, which is bad for democracy, and the representative women have also stated that there should be enough evidence. She is completely opposed to some members of parliament who claim that they have been abusing their power for years and that it is time to put an end to it. She has been asked to provide evidence, which she will do today.

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