Poonam Pandey’s outspoken persona has emerged. The actress began performing such activities in front of the camera that the video became viral. Some individuals started mocking Poonam Pandey after seeing her in this state.
Poonam Pandey continues to make waves on social media on a daily basis. She is always involved in a conversation about some piece of news or another. Once again, the actress’s video is becoming viral; this time, she is shown in a daring outfit. At the same time, she started performing like this in front of the camera, and the video quickly became viral.
Look at Poonam Pandey.
Aside from films, Poonam Pandey is well-known for her bold and seductive style. Her striking style is also well-liked by her fans. Poonam Pandey is now planning to debut her first sizzling and daring look this year. Her daring style is being debated once more. Her fiery and daring style was on display throughout this time. Viral Bhiyani, a celebrity photographer, has published many images of Poonam Pandey on her official Instagram account. She was dressed in a white top and black ripped shorts in these photos. Poonam Pandey wore white kalak shoes with it. Her fiery and strong style was evident throughout her entire appearance.
Complaint filed against husband
Let us remind you that Poonam Pandey was talking about her husband Sam Bombay previously. Her husband, Sam Bombay, was detained by the authorities last year. Sam Bombay is accused of assaulting Poonam Pandey. The Mumbai Police conducted this step after receiving a complaint from Poonam Pandey. Not only that, but Sam Bombay had attacked the actress so severely that she was hospitalised.
Poonam was wounded.
Poonam Pandey was brought to the hospital after suffering major injuries to her head, eyes, and face, according to the news agency ANI. The Mumbai Police has stated that a complaint had been filed against Sam Bombay under IPC provisions in this regard. The actress has suffered terrible damage to her head, eyes, and face. This is not the first time Poonam Pandey has accused SAP Bombay of assault.