Jackie Babi Girl is a well-known Nigerian social media user who rose to prominence after she began sharing amusing and interesting videos on Twitter. Jackie Ejike is her real name, and she hails from Ogun State in southwestern Nigeria. Jackie Babi Girl’s Twitter account has over 320k followers, and her videos have been shared over 2M times. The internet has gone crazy over a viral Twitter video. This Singaporean singer/model, born Jacqueline Nguyen, has captivated audiences with her sed*uctive looks and haunting voice.
Jackiebabigirl’s Video Has Been Viral
Well, the internet has a pretty good answer for you: she’s an Indian social media influencer and YouTube star with over 5 million Twitter followers and over 1.5 million YouTube subscribers. Jackiebabigirl is well-known not only for her social media following, but also for her quirky sense of humour and impeccable fashion sense (as evidenced by her most recent viral video). So, who is Jackiebabigirl, and how did she come to be so well-known? Until now, the identity of Jackie Babi Girl was unknown to the general public on the internet.
Jackie Babi Girl: Who Is She?
Many people were left wondering who this person was and why they would create such a video. After all, in less than ten days, the video has received over 4 million views. So, who is JackieBabigirl, and what inspired her to make such a video? JackieBabigirl is actually Jill Bauer, an actress, writer, and director. As part of her contribution to Funny or Die, she made this video. Jackie’s Twitter profile has since been updated to reflect her new name, Jackie O’Shaughnessy. It’s unclear why she chose to go by the names “Jackiebabigirl” and “Jackie O’Shaughnessy.”
There was no compelling reason for her to do so (other than to gain some internet fame), but it has worked out well for her thus far. She has a unique style that catches the attention of her fans. Many people have heard of Jackie Babi, whether through reading about her or watching one of her viral videos. I’d also like to point out that Jackiebabigirl isn’t just well-known on social media. She is also a model and a social media personality on the World Fashion Channel television show.