Watch: Allegedly Imran Khan Video Went Viral On Twitter

Good morning, everyone. As we all know, things in Pakistan have been chaotic since Prime Minister Imran Khan was booted out of Parliament following a no-confidence vote in the general assembly. Now that he is no longer in power, other politicians and well-known Tik Tok celebrities are attempting to smear his name by circulating inap*propri*ate and s*exu*al videos of him with women. He is the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and the chairman of the political party Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Everyone expected him to be the first Pakistani Prime Minister to complete his five-year term, but he fell short.

Imran Khan’s Video Has Gone Viral

A two-minute digital video is currently circulating on the Internet, with some claiming that it is an Imran Khan doing se*xu*al things with the female. Now, Pakistani news channels are reporting that everyone is attempting to bring him down, and that they will use all of their resources to fully describe his political career and power. For four years, he was Prime Minister.

Clip of alleged Imran Khan Scan*dal

He has been married three times, so this is not the first time he has been involved in a contr*ove*rsy. Many more videos of Pakistani politicians engaging in se*xua*l activities are now being lea**ked on the Internet Natalie bases, and it has become the norm. On October 5, 1952, he was born. Is currently 69 years old and served as the captain of Pakistan’s World Cup-winning team in 1992. His appointment as Prime Minister was widely anticipated.

Unfortunately, people and columnists are now heavily criticizing him for the things that are required, as Pakistan is now completely in debt to China. He was the first Pakistani captain to lead his country to a test series victory over England. He was accused of ball-tampering and was doing in legal staff with the seam of the ball after their retirement, which landed him in a lot of contro*versies and sca*ndals.

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