Who are Alice and Fern ?
After a clip went viral on the social media platform Reddit, the mother and kid have gotten a lot of attention from the public. Alice and Fern, a mother and son, star in the video. They’ve become Internet sensations, as well as important and viral subjects among today’s netizens. If we talk about the persons in the video more specifically, one of them is Alice, a well-known online personality who just released some images of herself and her baby on social media. Find out more about Alice and Fern’s Tik Tok video in which they accused her husband of abusing her.
According to recent sources, Alice posts her daily updates on her social media account on a regular basis, resulting in an increase in her following. Her son appears in the majority of her videos, piqueing the interest of netizens who want to learn more about him. People’s curiosity has been piqued as a result of her recent video showcasing her baby. The young mother, on the other hand, has just become an Internet phenomenon. Alice called her baby Fern, and the two of them are attracting a lot of attention on the Internet.
Alice has a large following on Tik Tok in addition to Reddit. Furthermore, Alice’s already considerable celebrity grows fourfold after the birth of her daughter Fern. In her Tik Tok and Reddit videos, she even included her daughter. Her videos have recently sparked online debate. As a result of Reddit replies, she and her kid were recently thrust into the limelight. Some of her followers, according to sources, believe she is lying about her past, while others support her.
She had previously accused her husband of being abusive. She goes on to remark that after Fern’s birth, things have changed. There is, however, a list of items that are being examined.