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Theuns Du Toit Video Went Viral On Twitter, Reddit

Human evolution has progressed, and we as humans have come a long way, standing strong and supporting one another in every way. However, where there is positivity, there is also some negativity that evolves over time. While positive people help others and make the world a better place to live, negativity has brought many people down and triggered their mental triggers. Thenus Du Toit is one incident that has caught the public’s attention. This is a viral video that has been making the rounds on the internet.

Video by Theuns Du Toit

If your child as**saults someone or is as**saulted, you should reconsider their education. A white man is accused of as**saulting a black man in this case. Some people are still stuck in the mediaeval era, even though humanity has advanced to new heights in terms of physical, mental, financial, and, most importantly, technological achievements. The video, which has gone viral, depicts a man, a white man, urinating on a black man’s laptop. Can a man get any worse than this? The internet is circulating a photo of a white man urinating on a black man’s laptop.

The video of Theuns Du Toit has gone viral on Twitter and Reddit.

This photograph drew a lot of attention, and when it reached the attention of the authorities, the white student was expelled from his college. Thenus Du Toit, the white man, was identified, as was Huis Marais, the black man on whose laptop the white man urinated. On the internet, the white guy has received a lot of backlash, with people mocking and making fun of him. That’s a good thing, because discriminating solely on the basis of skin colour is cruel and insensitive. This type of discrimination and hatred between students is unacceptable.

These issues should be addressed by educational groups and institutions, as well as efforts to ensure student safety. Expulsion is not the answer; he should face harsher punishment, according to one of the video’s comments. Which we can consider to be true because we are still fighting against cultural and colour hatred, and incidents like these render all of our protests and efforts in vain. Black people have come a long way and fought for their rights; they are also humans, and discrimination against them is pure hatred.

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