The video of a Giant Anaconda crossing the road has gone viral

A video of a massive anaconda crossing the road has gone viral on social media. After being uploaded to Instagram, the viral video has already received over 2 lakh 35 thousand views.

A giant anaconda is crossing a busy street with a number of pedestrians and vehicles, according to a video posted on Instagram by the user snak*e.wild.

The best part is that everyone on the road is assisting the massive reptile in crossing the road without incident. The anaconda is tangled on a road divider as the video begins, with its front portion on the other side of the road and the rear portion in the foreground.

The camera then pans forward, revealing the entire anaconda. The scene is both intriguing and terrifying. People, including pedestrians and drivers, are waiting for the giant reptile to pass. The reptile then crawls into a bush alongside the road.

While the clip is entertaining because of the human-snak*e interaction, it is frightening to see the anaconda’s massive size and how it is moving forward.

Click here to see the video.

Many people have expressed their opinions on the video. A user commented on how people acted around the snak*e. “Wow!! “, says the comment. HUGE!! It’s wonderful to see people who value wildlife.”

Others were astounded to see such a large reptile on a busy road among people.

“Anaconda?” wrote one user. Another person commented on its size, saying, “omg, a big acoanda.” The sight of a massive anaconda on the road did not sit well with another user. “What the hell is that snak*e doing on the road?” reads the comment.

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