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Shaukat Tareen’s conversation with KP Finance Minister Taimur Jhagra was revealed in yet another audio leak.


Miftah Ismail, the finance minister, bemoaned the purported plot by PTI and its leaders to undermine the IMF program.

Speaking to the media on Monday in Islamabad, he claimed that in order to preserve the state by making difficult decisions to prevent the nation from going bankrupt, our government had placed our politics on the line. He claimed that PTI was going above and beyond the call of duty to restore Imran Khan to power. Imran Khan, according to him, has to apologize for endangering national interests. He declared that Pakistan’s interests come first and are sacred.

According to Miftah Ismail, the federal government is always willing to speak with any province to discuss their concerns. However, in order to sabotage the IMF scheme, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa sent a letter to the federal government. He urged PTI followers to demand accountability from their leaders.

He claimed that the Prime Minister had announced 100 billion rupees in additional requests, in addition to the 15 billion rupees for Sindh and the 7.5 billion for Balochistan. He declared that PTI’s activities at a time of crisis are strongly condemned.

The Federal Government would take real steps to improve the living conditions of those who live in the combined districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa because they made incomparable sacrifices for the nation, the Finance Minister said in response to a query.

Despite the irony that the provincial government hired 54,000 people without granting the necessary funding, which is illegal, he said that the federal government would release all the money intended for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

In response to a different query, the finance minister said the government should take into account importing vegetables and other edible goods from India for the sake of the populace in light of the recent floods’ destruction of standing crops in Pakistan.

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