Sharmila Farooqi Took legal Action Against Nadia Khan Nadia Khan’s handling of Sharmila Farooqi’s mother has prompted criticism on social media. Previously, popular broadcaster Nadia Khan posted a video named Out style on her YouTube channel. The video also included Sharmila Farooqi’s mother, Anisa Farooqi, and Nadia Khan. That ill-mannered presenter was attempting to satirise her by complimenting her make-up appearance.
Soon later, the video went viral, spawning a flood of memes in response. Sharmila Farooqi has recently spoken out about this horrible act. She is deeply upset by Nadia Khan’s actions and has labelled her a “Shameless Woman.” Sharmila did not stop there; she also claimed that she will sue her. Her snide words have gotten her into a lot of trouble.
People who once criticised her for her folly are now rallying around Sharmila’s cause. People think Nadia Khan will never degrade or disrespect anyone. Despite knowing that Anisa Farooqi has some mental issues, she went forward with this hoax, and she is being scolded for it. This is precisely what she deserves. Nadia Khan has always failed miserably as a performer, and she tried again this time. If you haven’t previously watched the video.
We’ll show you the comments of social media users who agree with Sharmila Farooqi and wish to take her to court. Nadia Khan has actually stretched the boundaries of what it means to be an entertainer. She has actually gotten herself into a serious issue. Let’s see what the broader public thinks about this.