New Delhi: Since the launch of Ekta Kapoor‘s spooky programme Naagin 6, additional information about the show has emerged. Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejashwi Prakash will play the key role in the upcoming Naagin. Tejashwi would not just be a serpent, but the best serpent, according to the ad. Simultaneously, word is spreading that Ada Khan would be making a comeback with ‘Naagin 6’. However, it is unknown which role she will play this time.
Adah has posted some images on her official Instagram account. In which she is dressed as Naagin. Ada is dressed in black and gold jewellery in the photos. She is shown striking various stances while standing in the rainforests. With this expression on her face, it is possible that Ada may be portrayed in a negative role this time. Ada captioned the image, ‘Shesha is arriving today,’ and included an emoji of the serpent.
Ada Khan has been a member of the Naagin series from the first season. In Season 1 of Naagin, she played Mouni Roy’s onscreen sister ‘Shesha.’ Ada Khan played the antagonist. Fans adored her portrayal of Mouni’s sister ‘Shesha’ Naagin.
Concerning the Naagin 6 promo, this time the show will be centred on the widespread corona outbreak. In this, the best serpent will be shown combating a dangerous infection. This time, the best serpent’s adversary is not a person, but a terrible virus from which she will be seen rescuing the entire country.
Date and timing of Naagin 6’s release
Viewers will not have to wait long to see ‘Naagin 6’ because the show’s release date and hour have already been announced. Colors has confirmed in the trailer that the programme will begin airing on Saturdays and Sundays at 8 p.m. on February 12. Watch the video here.