Kareena Kapoor recently said that Akshay Kumar noticed her and Saif Ali Khan ‘bonding’ on the set of Tashan.
During an appearance on Tweak India with Kumar’s wife Twinkle Khanna, the Jab We Met actor discussed her and her husband’s ‘karmic connection,’ which brought them together on the 2008 film.
“Saif and Akshay were conversing, and Akshay kind of got the feeling that Saif and I were like bonding,” said Kapoor, who shares two sons with the Love Aaj Kal actor, Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan.
“Akshay pushed Saif into a corner and said, ‘listen, handle her carefully because these are dangerous females, this is a bad family, and I know them, so (be careful)’.” “She went into detail.
“He was like, ‘Don’t tamper with her,’ was his tone to him, as if he was trying to say, ‘You’re barking up the wrong tree.'” ‘No, no,’ said Saif. I’m aware of this; I’ve worked her out.’ “She continued.