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How can the Russia-Ukraine conflict be resolved?

After months of refusing to invade Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin slammed the door to diplomacy on Thursday by attacking the nation.

Since the Ukraine conflict, Russia has had a significant impact on the global economy, driving up oil prices.

The genuine dispute

Russian-Ukrainian connections extend back to the ninth century, when Kyiv became the seat of the old Russian Empire, and Prince Vladimir brought Orthodox Christianity to Russia in 988. The city now serves as Ukraine’s capital. A treaty brought it together in the Tsarist Empire, and afterwards in the Soviet Union.

Historians claim that efforts to preserve Ukraine’s distinct character have been stifled since the Russian Empire. The Ukrainian language has been subjected to severe limitations as a result of this.

The military continued to fight Ukraine even after the 1917 revolution, and no one dared to suggest that Ukraine might become an independent country. According to Vygotsky, the one topic on which both the Russian revolutionaries and their opponents, the Russian army, agreed was the refusal to recognise Ukraine’s distinct existence.

Ukraine began to improve its connections with most Western nations as a result of this historical context. NATO, in a similar spirit, aimed to broaden its area of influence in the East by joining a number of military partnerships, including Ukraine.


Russia has long been a vocal opponent of Ukraine’s proximity to European organisations like NATO and the EU, but Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently declared that Ukraine is a “puppet” of the West and that the territory would never be a genuine state.

He requested guarantees from the West and Ukraine that the country would remain neutral and not join NATO’s 30-nation military bloc.

Nations from across the world

Russia is retaliating fiercely in response to the UN-Ukraine tensions, despite efforts by prominent nations to warn Russia. As a result of Russia’s onslaught, a number of countries, notably the United Kingdom, have slapped sanctions on Russia. The United States, Japan, Canada, and Australia are among them.

Situation at the present

The current position is that the Russian army has taken control of Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear power station, which Ukraine has verified. The Russian forces invaded Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, via Belarus, but the Chernobyl nuclear power facility remained secure and uninjured. Injuries have been reported.

The consequences of war

The war between Russia and Ukraine has had the most impact on the oil trade, with world oil prices slowly rising since Russia delivers around 40% of the gas to the European Union and accounts for roughly 12% of global oil supply. As pipelines flow through Ukraine, the possibility of war erupting has grown.

According to observers, the West is preparing for tighter sanctions, but they will have far-reaching consequences for the global economy and will have little influence on Russia. The possibility of war and sanctions has put the world economy, which is still recovering from an epidemic, in jeopardy.

Alternatives to consider

According to international affairs experts, there is currently no rapid solution to the problem since, given Russia’s continued aggressiveness in the face of Western sanctions, the globe appears to be on the verge of a new global war. Experts believe that if Russia and other world powers agree on a point, the number of lives lost and the amount of money lost may be decreased.

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