The most recent photos of Harnaaz Sandhu, who was crowned ‘Miss Universe 2021,’ have sparked outrage on social media. Harnaaz’s photo of herself wearing only a coat has gone viral.
Harnaaz Sandhu, the winner of the title of ‘Miss Universe 2021,’ is the talk of the town these days. People are scouring their social media accounts for any information they can find. Meanwhile, Harnaaz Sandhu recently shared a photo of a similar photoshoot on social media, which has garnered a lot of attention. Harnaaz is wearing a coat without a bra and a top in this photoshoot.
Bra and top aren’t worn
After becoming Miss Universe, Harnaaz had the photoshoot done. Harnaaz is pictured wearing the Miss Universe crown on her head in this photoshoot. Harnaaz is also dressed up in a pink coat. Miss Universe was photographed without a bra or a top inside her coat, as can be seen in this photograph. As a result, Miss Universe’s photo is making the rounds on social media.
Harnaaz Sandhu’s beauty has captured the attention of the entire world. Harnaaz Bala looks stunning in this new photo shoot. It can be difficult to take your gaze away from it. Harnaaz is wearing her hair down and wearing light makeup in the photo.