Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe Dies After Shot Viral Video on Twitter, Reddit

Shinzo Abe, a former prime minister of Japan, was shot at a political event in the western city of Nara, about 500 kilometres from the capital Tokyo, and died on Friday in a hospital. Even though Japan has strict gun control laws and election campaigning is underway ahead of the country’s upper house elections on Sunday, the former prime minister of Japan was assassinated.

Shinzo Abe was reportedly shot twice from behind while giving a speech during the election campaign, with one bullet striking his neck and the other striking his heart. After being taken to the Nara Medical University Hospital, the 67-year-old underwent several hours of resuscitation efforts before being pronounced dead.

Tetsuya Yamagami, a 41-year-old member of the nation’s navy, has been named as the shooter. Details indicate that he did not attempt to flee after shooting, instead telling police that Shinzo Abe was the reason he wanted to kill him because he “dissatisfied” him.

Later, authorities found several explosives at the shooters’ home.

Shinzo Abe served as the nation’s prime minister for the longest period of time. He first took office in 2006 for a single year and then again from 2012 to 2020 before being forced to resign due to the debilitating bowel condition ulcerative colitis. He advocated for changing Japan’s pacifist constitution so that the country’s military would be recognised. He was a hawkish conservative and one of the most well-liked politicians in the nation.

Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe Shot Viral Video

Shinzo Abe, a former Japanese prime minister, was shot at while delivering a speech during an election campaign in Nara. He was taken to the hospital right away, where his condition is still critical. Abe appeared to be experiencing cardiac arrest and displayed “no vital signs,” according to Japan’s Kyodo News. Abe was shot in the chest, according to Reuters. The shooter has been detained by police. To learn more, watch the video below.

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