Amber Heard was the target of one of Johnny Depp’s “worst cases of cyberbullying.”

One of the worst cases of online bullying to date involved Johnny Depp fans trying to harass Amber Heard.

Bot Sentinel has filed a report containing this accusation.

For those who are unfamiliar, the organisation focuses on the identification of false information and harassment on the internet.

According to their research, the business was able to identify nearly 3,288 accounts that took part in the bullying campaign using statements and hashtags like #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser, #AmberHeardLsAnAbuser, #AmberHeardIsALiar, and #AmberHeardLsALiar.

Nearly 19 percent of those accounts were only there to harass, bully, and troll Amber Heard.

They claimed that “women who tweeted in support of Amber Heard were the target of widespread abuse and targeted harassment on Twitter.”

Even after that, Bot Sentinel described how one of Amber’s supporters was harassed with pictures of her late son.

The group claims that “someone created a fake account and trolled the woman because she tweeted in support of Amber Heard using a photo of the woman’s deceased child.”

Many more people did the same, and “toxic trolls” later surrounded other supporters.

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