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After being gangraped, a Dalit girl was burned alive by diesel and is in critical condition.

Dalit girl burned to death by diesel after being gang-raped After two gang rapes in the span of 24 hours, concerns have been raised about Pilibhit’s security system. In the first incident, a 16-year-old Dalit girl broke into the victim’s home, gang-raped her, and then set the victim on fire with diesel.

He was in critical condition when he was admitted to the hospital. Police have detained two suspects. In the second instance, a student in class 12 was gang-raped.

Within a 24-hour period, there were two gang rapes in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, which riled up the police force. A 16-year-old Dalit girl was the first victim; she was gang-raped after breaking in and setting the house on fire with diesel.

The girl is being treated for burns in the hospital.

Following the filing of a case against them under several sections, including gang rape, police have detained both of the accused. Additionally, he provided the magistrate with a statement. In the second incident, two village youths abducted a student from class 12 at night. Her gang rape occurred in a field of sugarcane.

On September 10, the Madhotanda police were informed that two domineering villagers, Rajveer and Tarachand, had broken into the home, raped the woman’s daughter, and then set the girl ablaze with diesel.

His situation is still critical. The Superintendent of Police went right away to the girl’s village after receiving the information to start an investigation. On the basis of a complaint from family members, Rajveer and Tarachand were detained on suspicion of rape, attempted murder, and intimidation.

In another instance, a minor Dalit student in class 12 was involved in a gang-rape incident. where the victim claimed that two village youths abducted her from her home during the night and committed the gang-rape with her.

When the victim’s mother noticed her daughter was missing from the house in the morning and began looking for her, she discovered that she was lying unconscious in a field of sugarcane.

Following that, the family brought him home. The victim immediately told her parents about the incident and they filed a complaint at the police station.

A police team has been assembled, according to Superintendent of Police Dinesh P, to apprehend the other accused. The primary accused’s accomplice has been arrested. Additionally, his arrest won’t take long to happen. Since there have been two gang rapes within a 24-hour period, many concerns have been raised about the safety of girls in Pilibhit.


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